A month ago, Jordan and I got married. We took off after our reception to our 2-day honeymoon. One night in Salt Lake City, Utah; one 8 hour plane ride (including layovers) to San Antonio, Texas; and one night in San Antonio Texas. Then we spent the next morning shopping at the stores that aren't in Del Rio, and then we drove the 3-hour drive to Del Rio, Texas aka the Border Town aka the Middle of Nowhere.
When we got there, we didn't have a house yet. So we stayed in Jordan's dorm. Great for one person. Not so great for two people, especially when one doesn't have anything to do all day. And is stuck in a small one-room dorm (literally the whole dorm is a single room), without any natural light.
Fast forward 3 weeks!!! We have a house! Jordan's parents and brother were awesome enough to drive our (read: my) stuff down from Utah.
Now that we have our stuff AND a house, I've started unpacking and creating a home. But that's kind of hard to do when you don't have places to PUT the stuff. We're getting that taken care of (albeit slowly: we bought a bookshelf--it was broken. We returned it and bought another--I just found out that one is broken too! Haha, should have checked it)
Even though we've been in this new house for going on 3 weeks, I still haven't unpacked everything, but when I do, I will post pictures :)